The Guardian SmartFlagger AFAD does save lives
PRESS RELEASE: The Guardian SmartFlagger AFAD saves lives in Pennsylvania
Halifax, July 8, 2019: Site 20/20 announces that a Guardian SmartFlagger AFAD device deployed in Pennsylvania was demolished when a tractor-trailer hit it.
The Guardian SmartFlagger AFAD is a fully integrated, automated flagging device that an operator controls from the safe location of a job site. It takes people out of harm’s way and allows them to see and control traffic through the lens of two HD cameras on the operator’s smart tablet.
In Pennsylvania where this accident occurred, the use of two Guardian SmartFlaggers was implemented instead of two traditional flaggers. When the tractor-trailer hit the Guardian SmartFlagger, it clipped and ran over the unit. If this was a typical setup with people flagging traffic, the outcome would have been more severe, causing injuries and possibly death.
“As a business owner and a father who has two sons in the Traffic Control field, I understand the importance of a safe job site for my employees. I’m glad that there is a technology like the Guardian Smart Flagger. On Friday, the 21st of June, a Guardian SmartFlagger AFAD was run over and destroyed by a tractor-trailer driver on a job site that my son was overseeing. I’m glad we only had to order a new Guardian SmartFlagger and not make funeral arrangements for an employee/son.”
Jeremiah Grooms, CEO Directional Traffic
“One SmartFlagger hit is one life saved. Safety issues cannot be mitigated; safety issues must be eliminated. This incident is a true representation as to why the Guardian SmartFlagger and why our team is so passionate about changing the industry’s method of traffic control.”
Mitch Hollohan, CEO Site 20/20
Site 20/20’s Guardian SmartFlagger AFAD is changing modern-day job sites, making them safer and keeping human flaggers and job site workers out of harm’s way.